I had a use-case where I needed to create a class that had an attribute that was a Python list. Seems simple, right? The part that made it complicated is that I needed to do something special when anything was appended to that attribute. Watching for attribute changes don’t work the same way for lists as it would for a string.
I tried a lot of different solutions, but most of them either didn’t work or made the code really hard to understand.
Finally, someone on the Real Python Slack channel mentioned sub-classing collections.UserList (see the docs for more info) and over-riding the append() method so that it executed a callback whenever that list object was appended to.
Here is a very simplified version of the code:
The main class of interest here is Media, which is a data class. It has a single attribute, channels, which is a Python list. To make this work, you use __post_init__() to set channels to an instance of your custom class, ListWithCallback. This class takes in a function or method to call when an item is appended to your special list.
In this case, you call Media‘s update() method whenever an item is appended. To test that this functionality works, you import the time module at the bottom of the code and append two strings to the list with a sleep() between them.
Wrapping Up
If you ever find yourself needing to subclass a Python built-in, check out Python’s collections module. It has several classes that are usually recommended over directly subclassing from the built-ins themselves. In this case, you used collections.UserList.
Subclassing from the collections module is straightforward. You will learn a lot and your code may even be better because you did that.